Educational enrichment courses for
Archuleta County home-school, private school and public school kids

By Jane Parker
Archuleta School District’s Pagosa Family School (PFS) offers a dynamic educational environment connecting homeschool, private school and public school students as they learn together in enrichment courses.
PFS responds to the educational and social needs of the students, and the courses reflect the needs of the community.
PFS is able to offer tuition-free, high-quality classes taught by experienced teachers.
Courses have included art, choir, general music, drumline, Spanish, physical education, exploratory science, aquatics, sewing, digital animation, outdoor education and drama.
PFS has also incorporated a focus on service-learning projects to connect the youth to their community and the larger world around them. Service projects have encouraged students to think outside of themselves and to ask how they can help others. The two service-learning projects that PFS students have participated in thus far are the Bee Habitats and Little Dresses for Africa.
The Bee Habitat service project included building the habitats, filling them with mason and leafcutter bees and then gifting them to the community and placing them along the Riverwalk to support the plants and flowers along the route.
For another project, students studied African culture integrated in their classes, heard a presentation on humanitarian relief work, and sewed dresses for the nonprofit Little Dresses for Africa.
Pagosa Family School students are doing their part to give back to the environment and to others as they offer small gestures with a big impact.
Beyond providing educational opportunities and service projects for students in the school district, PFS has also helped promote a positive growing relationship between the various educational communities in Pagosa and has been successful as a result of that positive collaboration.
Each spring, the program surveys families to determine future course offerings for electives.
PFS is able to offer many electives that may not be offered in the mainstream classroom or homeschooling program, thus adding extra opportunities for all students in Archuleta County.
For more information email or call (970)264-2228, ext. 408

Archuleta School District