Getting Here From There

Stevens Field Airport
Archuleta County’s Stevens Field, located just 3 miles west of downtown Pagosa Springs, is one of the most scenic airports around.
In addition to beauty, the airport boasts a fully lit asphalt runway that is 100 feet wide and 8,100 feet long. That runway has aircraft weight capacities of 70,000 pounds for dual-wheel gear and 59,000 pounds for single-wheel gear. Flight safety at the high-altitude, general aviation airport is reinforced with a Precision Approach Path Indicator system.
The airport has seen a great deal of improvement over the years. In 2006, workers widened and resurfaced Runway 10/19 and built a new fixed-base operations building at midfield to provide fuel and services to local and visiting aircraft. In 2008, a new 3,000-foot parallel taxiway was constructed. In 2013, Archuleta County acquired additional snow removal equipment solely to be used at the airport. Alongside the other improvements, new hangars have appeared, an Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) has been installed, and the airport identifier became KPSO.
In keeping with its commitment to Archuleta County and Stevens Field, the Federal Aviation Administration also completed and published a GPS instrument approach for pilot use during nighttime and low-visibility landings.
In 2015, nearly $6 million was spent to extend the parallel taxiway and complete other associated projects, further increasing the efficiency of aircraft movement and safety.
Those improvements have not only increased safety, but have also helped solidify the airport’s status as an economic driver for the community. According to an Economic Impact Study completed by the airport’s advisory committee, for every dollar Archuleta County invests in the airport, the county receives a return of $10.86.
The airport property also boasts a private, on-site maintenance shop in one of the hangars.
For more information on the airport, visit For specific airport management questions or concerns, call the airport manager at (970) 731-3060.
The AWOS system is available on frequency 127.175, or by phone at (970) 731-0365.
Fixed-Base Operator
For aviation services or to visit Avjet Corporation, the fixed-base operator, travel 3 miles west of town, then approximately 1 mile northwest on Piedra Road (CR 600). Turn right (northeast) on Cloman Boulevard and proceed to 61 Aviation Court.
The FBO offers a number of amenities, including restrooms, telephone, shower facilities, a flight planning room, pilot snooze room, Internet, vending machines, concierge and catering services, coffee, a lounge area, heated hangar and more. Avjet also provides fuel, Avgas and Jet-A rated fuel.
For more information about these and other airport services, call Avjet at (970) 731-2127.
La Plata County Airport
The Durango-La Plata County Airport offers daily service with multiple airlines. The airport offers a full range of services within the terminal to make your visit comfortable. The airport has short- and long-term parking, full rental car services and shuttle/taxis.
The airport is located 60 miles from Pagosa Springs at the intersection of Airport Road and County Road 309A, approximately 1 mile from County Road 309.
For more information about flights and ancillary services, visit
Mileage from Pagosa
Durango, Colo. 61 miles
Cortez, Colo. 104 miles
Denver, Colo. 277 miles
Colorado Springs, Colo. 242 miles
Farmington, N.M. 101 miles
Santa Fe, N.M. 160 miles
Albuquerque, N.M. 212 miles
Phoenix, Ariz. 514 miles
Oklahoma City, Okla. 699 miles
Dallas, Texas 813 miles