Pagosa Springs Official Visitor Guide™

Pagosa Springs
Visitor Guide™

Pagosa Springs
Visitor Guide™

Pagosa Springs
Real Estate &
“The mountains are calling, and I must go.”
— John Muir
Chimney Rock
National Monument
Step back in time as you walk in the footsteps of the ancestral Puebloan people at Chimney Rock National Monument (CRNM). The monument is a 4,726-acre archaeological site and preserves architecture and artifacts used by the ancestral Puebloan people approximately 1,000 years ago, from about 900 A.D. to 1150 A.D. The ancestral Puebloans were an ancient culture that inhabited and traveled across areas of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado, and Chimney Rock is the northeastern gateway to their past world.
If you are planning your first visit to Pagosa Country, rest assured you will enjoy an incredible environment — one full of outdoor recreational opportunities the likes of which are rarely duplicated; one where our unique amenities in this paradise of geothermal waters and alpine delights will satisfy your every need.
If you are returning to Pagosa Country, everything you enjoyed during previous visits remains, and there is even more to sample when you arrive.
In all cases, this will not be your last trip here.